He then played Two out of Three Ain't Bad, a brilliant song, that I truly love but hadn't listened to for a while. As I was singing my mind went off at a tangent, thinking about the 2 out of 3 sentiment. I was thinking that many times in my life I have settled for 2 out of 3; like when I've found a top I like that is the right material, fits well, but isn't quite the colour I want, or a pair of jeans in the right colour, perfect style, but not quite long enough (hey I'm a smidge off 6 foot, and believe me they're NEVER long enough!), but I've still bought them anyway. Why???
You know the scenario you have a boyfriend who is cute, has an amazing body, but has the intellectual appeal of a fruit fly, but you put up with him, because, as Meat says, 2 out of 3 ain't bad!!!!!
But, and it's a big BUT, I don't settle for 2 out of 3 when it comes to the umbrellas I stock, they have to live up to all my expectations of Quality, Style and Gorgeousness, so why do I settle in my personal life?
I bet I'm the same as many of you in that I will spend more on others than myself, probably for many reasons, but let's not get into a therapy session here. If this also sounds like you then the words, uttered by the mouths of many a celebrity selling hair products, need to repeated by you (and me)
"Because I'm worth it!"
So next time you see something you want, but hear the Settling Fairy whispering in your ear, give her a quick shove off your shoulder and shout
"2 out of 3 is bad.
I want 3 out of 3!"
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